Sunday, 23 April 2017

Production Schedule

Production Schedule 

As part of my Animation final project brief, we have to display good time keeping and project management, I would have to admit that I have gone a little off track but I have also adapted to these situations. 


In the beginning I proposed to make 3, 30 second long short films that would be interactive. These films turned out to be much longer when I started to in between so it added implications to making them interactive- they have to be as small as possible so the software could run smoothly, also to make it easier and do-able in the time frame. 

I later decided I would only make 1 interactive film, 1 normal film and perhaps a supplementary comic book (that would lead into my project when I am on the Masters course- also I got accepted!! more on that later), this was devised approximately 2 months ago.
The Adventures of Edra & Phobos: Cat and Mouse. (Interactive short with user interface feature) 
The Adventures of Edra & Phobos: From the Flames. (Physical & Digital comic book)
The Adventures of Edra & Phobos: Cat on the Shelf. (Short Film) 

Currently I am looking at my re-revised schedule and unfortunately I doubt I will be able to get the interactive piece done for deadline, it was going to be so fun to create however life issues have take there toll. I am currently looking to complete the non interactive film (The Adventures of Edra & Phobos: Cat on the Shelffor deadline and see if I can complete the other two ideas for the end of year show, I have animated a bit of the interactive one (Cat and Mouse) and it is nearly finished, but I will not be able to get it coloured with my attention on Cat on the Shelf . As for the comic book, I have been doing small bits of it in my breaks and also writing up background story to make the story world a bit richer and in depth, I feel to get this to a good quality stage I would need to collaborate with a writer. It will not be complete for deadline but there may be a rough draft for the end of year show. 

Implications & Issues

I don't want to blame my set backs on other people or happenings because I should of planned around them better. There has been a lot going on for me over the past few month with family and financially, that has disrupted my work flow I know I should of accounted for this but there is only so much I could of prepared for, I am not doing my best to make the most of my project to deliver it on a high standard. 

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